Call for delegates- MO forum 2023-2024

The Young Green Forum is a meeting of the representatives from FYEG Member Organisations (full, candidate, and associate), and representative bodies and working groups. It functions as a follow-up of the previous General Assembly and a prelude and preparation for the next one and the activities planned for the few months ahead. In this case, our next General Assembly will only take place in August 2024, but considering the upcoming busy months ahead, this occasion will be a valuable moment for exchange and networking for our MOs.The Young Greens Forum is also an opportunity for FYEGers to meet each other, work towards strengthening the community, and have exchanges on organisational and political topics.

This Young Greens Forum will be taking on the tasks of preparation and presentation of administrative and organisational matters, including financial updates and MO fees, and will also serve to review the calendar and activities around the EU elections campaign and beyond. We will also have political exchanges and fun!

The Forum will be held online on Sunday, 10th of December during half day in the morning on Zoom. The draft program will be shared in the upcoming days.

FYEG Executive Committee invites each Full, Candidate and Associate Member Organisation to nominate the members of their delegations. We recommend that the delegations are formed by two people and are gender-balanced, the MOs are however allowed to nominate more delegates in case more people are interested in joining. When choosing your delegation, please take into consideration the following recommendations:

  • At least one of the delegates should have political mandates in their organisations (international officers, board members, co-spokespeople) and be responsible for bringing feedback to their MOs after the Young Greens Forum and ensuring that their MO is following up on any potential agreement reached during the event

  • At least one of the delegates should have previous experience with FYEG, attended the GA or any of the other recent activities, and is planning to continue to collaborate with FYEG during the next mandate

Deadline to register your delegates is the 7th of December 23:59 CET. Please use THIS FORM.

If you have any questions, please contact


Call for Intern - Communications and Campaigns


Call for Participants - Influencelection Games