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Independence Days - Congress of Young Europeans

The Heinrich Böll Foundation, Green European Foundation and the Young European Greens (FYEG), host the the 8th Congress of Young Europeans, taking place in Thessaloniki, Greece.

At the four-day Congress, selected participants from all over Europe will have a chance to come together in this vibrant and culturally rich city to work together, voice their concerns and put forward their own solutions for a more just Europe, ahead of the 2024 European elections. 

The main theme of this year’s Congress of Young Europeans is independent living: a defining struggle and battle of this generation that ranges from chasing for basic  care and mental health to affordable housing, from gender rights and to good working conditions, from equality all the way to political underrepresentation. A young person has the right to all of these things, to afford building a life for themselves, independently.

The Congress, entitled “Independence Days” will focus on the role of youth in shaping their future in Europe. As a participant, you will reflect on widespread reality for young people all over Europe, explore the interlinking challenges across different regions, and propose forward-thinking solutions that reflect your needs in the political debate. 

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